Here is 'The Smokey Stone'  and I think he turned out great.  I think the wiskers and the little bit of color to his eyes gave the stone a lot of character.  We never claimed to be artists, so a true replica of the cat is not what we were shooting for.  Our 23 year old artistic daughter, Kristin, is rarely ever at our house these days, so getting her to paint the stone did not work out.  Jim and Patty will be picking up the stone on Sunday, April, 14, and they both agree it will be a good marker for their beloved Smokey.  Alison, our granddaughter, which I have called the stonetester, gave it the step on--jump on test and it passed without a hitch...I posted it on facebook with some grape hyacinths that are now in bloom.  As I tell all of our customers, if you have a problem with the stone or something happens to him let me know.  We want to do more than just stand behind the stone, we want you to be happy with your stone...Again, Jim and Patty Baron, sorry for your loss, I am sure Smokey was a great cat.

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