Here is 'The Smokey Stone'  and I think he turned out great.  I think the wiskers and the little bit of color to his eyes gave the stone a lot of character.  We never claimed to be artists, so a true replica of the cat is not what we were shooting for.  Our 23 year old artistic daughter, Kristin, is rarely ever at our house these days, so getting her to paint the stone did not work out.  Jim and Patty will be picking up the stone on Sunday, April, 14, and they both agree it will be a good marker for their beloved Smokey.  Alison, our granddaughter, which I have called the stonetester, gave it the step on--jump on test and it passed without a hitch...I posted it on facebook with some grape hyacinths that are now in bloom.  As I tell all of our customers, if you have a problem with the stone or something happens to him let me know.  We want to do more than just stand behind the stone, we want you to be happy with your stone...Again, Jim and Patty Baron, sorry for your loss, I am sure Smokey was a great cat.

Here is a picture of the real Smokey, a friend and companion of Jim Barons that he truly misses.  Jim and Patty said they shopped around and couldn't find a stone for their cat Smokey that had passed away.  They said they found dogs, and frogs but could not find a stone for their beloved Smokey.  They both really missed their kitty so I said I would give it a try, and that is how the Smokey Stone was brought into creation.  Hope you like it, I am liking it more each day.

We like how this stone is coming along so we thought we  would share it with you. We decided to grout the stone in black.  Originally we had though red or buff would do, but the colors of the cat being black and grey, made us decide to grout it in black.  It will be touched up, then allowed to dry before it is covered in concrete sealant.  There is no turning back once it is sealed.  Thanks for taking a look at our first Cat Custom Stone.  Check us out on Facebook---"One Step At A Time."  Let us create a lasting Memory Stone for you today.

This stone is not finished.  It is currently undergoing a moist cure so it can last a really, really long time...After it has cured for a minimum of 28 days, it will be painted, either by myself or my very artistic daughter Kristin.  The letters will also be gone over with a paint pen to make them look amazing.  Then the lines in the cat will be grouted, still debating between a reddish color or a light buff colored grout. After it has been grouted it will be sealed with a clear concrete sealant.  Come back in around three  weeks and the final results will be posted.  I can't wait to see it...

Took a better picture of the stone this morning!!
Picture here is a bit shiny due to it being dark when I get home and having to use a flash...The stone has also been slow cured and sealed with three layers of concrete sealant so it will last a very, very long time!   This is a very large stepping stone I created to give to my boss, Charles Shepherd for his retirement from the Virginia Department of Health, after 42+ years of service as an Environmental Health Manager. He has definitely had a lot of experiences with having animals tested for rabies (hence the bat).  I am giving it to him tomorrow, since his retirement begins after December 31, 2011...He has been the best boss ever and we are all sorry to see him go...(Hopefully I can get a better picture tomorrow morning before I leave for work!!)  If I don't get back here again before 2012 begins,I wish everyone a
Happy and safe New Year!
DIMENSIONS:  30 pounds, 15.5" X15.5", and a solid 2" thick

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